
Restoring Me: Bath Time!

I love a good bath.  A quiet soak in the tub with no one bugging me or bothering me.  Ahhh, what a dream.  And most of the time that's all it is...a dream.  If the kids aren't knocking on the door then the dog is lying outside whining or the husband is barging in.  My favorite is when my cat sticks her paws under the door and meows non-stop.

But even with all the interruptions, I still love my bath.  It relaxes me and recharges me.  And in all honesty, sometimes keeps me from harming myself or others.  I kid.  Sort of.

In honor of the glorious bath time experience I thought I'd share my favorite bath salt recipe.  It's pretty basic, but it works for me.

I just use 2-4 drops of essential oils to 1 cup of epsom salt.  I like to make up a really BIG batch and keep it in the large jar.  That way I can just dump some into my bath water and then put the container back under my sink.  The smaller jars make GREAT gifts.  Just put a little decoration, pretty ribbon, etc on it and viola!  You have a gift ready to give.

So that's my recipe and it's super easy peasy.  But after chatting with my oily friends on Facebook, I realized there are as many recipes for bath salts as there are oily friends.  So I wanted to share a few other recipes that I think might be worth trying.

Not all these websites use Young Living Essential Oils, but I  highly recommend only using Young Living.  If you want to know why, read here.

Mom off Track has a cool recipe using an almost empty bottle of essential oils.  This would be great for getting those last few drops out of that bottle of oils.

The gals over at TheFrugalGirls have an awesome recipe for a really pretty giftable bath salt.  If you're opposed to food coloring, skip this one.  Seeing as how I'm not eating it, I'm okay with it finding it's way into my bathtub in small quantities.  Some folks aren't, and that's cool. You could totally skip that step and have plain white salts.  Whatever floats your boat and fills your tub!

One of my favorite websites, Money Saving Mom, has a recipe for lavender bath salts that looks awesome (again, think gift).  She uses sea salt and epsom salt.  (This one calls for food coloring, too.  It's for visual appeal only and that step could totally be skipped)

Like I said before, there are as many recipes for bath salts as there are oily friends in the world.  I'd love to know what recipe YOU use!  Leave a comment and share with all of us!

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