
Queen of the Water Bottle

I'm trying to be healthier.  Really.  Ignore the fact that I ate like crap all weekend.  I'm TRYING.  One of the easiest ways to be healthier is to replace your favorite beverages with good ol' water.  I know this.  This fact is in my head.  I've read the articles and the research.  I know it can help you lose weight if you drink it before meals and all day long.  Staying hydrated keeps the bloating away, keeps you from snacking when you're not hungry and helps to flush all the toxins out of your body.  I know all this.  But water is so, so......


It's just so plain and boring.  If only Dr. Pepper had health benefits.  But, alas, I am left to choose between healthy or tasty.

Or maybe not.  There are tons of water enhancers on the market today, targeting people like me who want to drink more water but want it to taste like something.  The unfortunate problem with those drink enhancers is that they contain sugar, sodium, artificial flavorings, artificial color and many contain artificial sweeteners.  In my opinion, this defeats the purpose of drinking water in the first place.  You might as well pour me that Dr. Pepper.  (Okay, maybe that's a little extreme, but you get my point.)

Once I started using essential oils (read here about the oils I use and why) I soon discovered that I could put some oils in my water and it tasted good!  And there weren't all those unnatural additives to worry about.  Water that tasted good and was still good for me?  Score!

     ****Disclaimer, not all essential oils are created equal.  I only use Young Living Essential Oils that have been approved by the FDA as food additives.  Those oils have a nutrition label box on the bottle and have been deemed safe to consume in appropriate amounts.  I WOULD NOT ingest oils that did not come with that little box on the label. Again, read here about why I use Young Living and am comfortable ingesting these oils.****

The great thing about adding essential oils to my water is that not only do they taste good, but they ADD health benefits to my water.  Some of my favorites include lemon, orange, peppermint, lime, grapefruit, citrus fresh and tangarine!  YUM!  So grab some essential oils and a bottle of water and enjoy!

Warning:  citrus oils breakdown petroleum products so I advise that you only consume water with citrus oils added in a GLASS, ceramic or stainless steel container.  Plastic containers can break down and start to leak.

So join me in drinking healthier this year!  Cheers!

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